New Patients

New Patient Registration & Online Registration

We are currently open for registration of new patients to Burgess Hill. To register with the practice you will need to complete a registration form.

You can do this:

You do not need to provide legal identification or a medical card to register with us.

You will need photo ID if you wish to register for online services so it may save time if you provide this as you can register for both at the same time.

If you are on any medication you will need to make an appointment with the doctor before we can issue any medication. Please bring your printed repeat slip from your previous doctor or the medication packs.

Practice Boundary Map

Further information

Change of name and/or address

Please let us know of any change of name, address or telephone number in writing to enable us to keep our records up to date.  There is a form available from reception. You can also change your contact details online at (to do this online, you first need to register your details with the surgery, please ask the receptionist for an application form if you are not yet registered for online services).

Temporary registrations

If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.

Download the Temporary Resident Registration Form

Guide to GP services

The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them.  You can download the guide below.

A Patient Guide to GP Services

Information about your health and care helps us to improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services and research new treatments. The NHS is committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.

How your data is used

Information about your individual care such as treatment and diagnoses is collected about you whenever you use health and care services. It is also used to help us and other organisations for research and planning such as research into new treatments, deciding where to put GP clinics and planning for the number of doctors and nurses in your local hospital.  It is only used in this way when there is a clear legal basis to use the information to help improve health and care for you, your family and future generations.

Wherever possible we try to use data that does not identify you, but sometimes it is necessary to use your confidential patient information.

You have a choice

You do not need to do anything if you are happy about how your information is used. If you do not want your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you can choose to opt out securely online or through a telephone service. You can change your mind about your choice at any time.

Will choosing this opt-out affect your care and treatment?

No, choosing to opt out will not affect how information is used to support your care and treatment. You will still be invited for screening services, such as screenings for bowel cancer.

What do you need to do?

If you are happy for your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you do not need to do anything.

To find out more about the benefits of data sharing, how data is protected, or to make/change your opt-out choice visit

Non English speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups. Open the leaflets in one of the following languages

england EnglishUrdu Urdu
albania Albanianindia Hindi
egypt Arabiclithuania Lithuanian
bulgaria Bulgarianpoland Polish
china Chinese (Cantonese)portugal Portuguese
china Chinese (Mandarin)spain Spanish
russia RussianFrench French
Turkish TurkishPunjabi Punjabi
Gujerati GujeratiSomali Somali
Croatian CroatianBengali Bengali
Iran Farsi