Please call between 13:00 – 15:00 to enquire about your test results as our reception staff will have more time to deal with your request between these times.
Your blood/smear/swab/urine sample will be collected from the surgery at around 14:00 and will be taken to our local lab at Princess Royal hospital.
The result will be sent to us electronically as soon as the sample is processed.
The electronic results will be reviewed by a doctor and filed.
The system will automatically generate an E-mail/Text alert to inform you the result is back and has been processed. It will either state that the result is normal or to follow up by contacting the surgery.
You may get MORE THAN ONE alert if the result has been split into sections.
Sometimes you may get several texts or e-mails (sorry no way to stop this)
If ANY of the alerts ask you to contact the surgery please do.
You should be able to review your results via the patient access app or website if you are registered for this service. The service is free and can be arranged via reception.
When you attend for a test of any kind you will be told how long you should expect to wait for the results. Please bear this in mind and call the surgery after 1pm once sufficient time has elapsed.
Our reception staff are not qualified to comment on results therefore it is your responsibility to check them and make any necessary follow-up appointment with the doctor.
Please note that we do have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. In this respect we will only give out results to the person they relate to unless that person has given prior permission for their release or if they are not capable of understanding them.