The flu jab is the best protection against the virus each autumn. Healthy people don’t need to be vaccinated; for most people flu is uncomfortable but not serious.
You can get a free flu jab if:
you are 65 or over;
you are living in an old people’s home or nursing home;
you have a long-term (chronic) condition such as a heart problem, asthma, kidney disease, diabetes;
you have a lowered immune system due to disease or treatment such as steroid medication or cancer treatment;
you don’t have a spleen, or if your spleen doesn’t work properly.
If you have a serious allergy to hens’ eggs, you shouldn’t get vaccinated, and it’s not generally advised if you’re pregnant.
If in doubt about whether you should have this or not please ask a member of staff.
‘At risk’ groups – Flu vaccinations
These groups include:
- Asthmatics & obstructive airways disease patients
- Diabetics
- Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), heart failure, stroke patients
- Over 65s
It is important patients in these groups receive an annual flu vaccination. Flu Clinics are held in October/November each year.
Pneumococcal vaccinations are offered to patients over 65 years.